Running Again!




I’m running again! I have taken a break as I battle plantar fasciitis. It’s not gone, but I’ve learned enough about it that I’m giving running a try again to see how it goes. It’s so frustrating to deal with an injury when I’ve finally learned to love running! I will keep icing, stretching, and may even need to get some night braces, but I’m gonna keep trying. There is a “Monster Mash 5K” coming up in Warroad, MN on October 19 and I plan to attend and run the majority – if not all – of it.
I hope you enjoy my fall leaves photos from my run today! I had to hit pause on my app and give them my attention. I am especially drawn to oak leaves as my daughter in heaven is named “Nara” which means”Oak”.

About northwoodsmamma

I am a mamma of three in far northern Minnesota. A 15 year old son, a 4 year old son, and a daughter who would be turning 3, but died at 28 hours old. I have struggled with weight and emotional eating since my first pregnancy. Food has become an easy comfort in times of grief and stress. I have had a hard time finding lasting motivation for diets. My Nephew just graduated from St. Olaf college and will go on to Law school. The year in-between, he will be working for International Justice Mission ( in Mumbai, India to work towards ending sex trafficking of women and children there. I am asking for pledges per pound lost between now and November 18, when I turn 39. Donations are tax deductible and will go directly towards his living expenses while he does this important work. Please join me - help me lose weight for a good cause! I will be posting weight and diet journals (including pics of what the scale says every Monday), recipes, creativity for inner healing, and other things that I find inspiring and helpful.
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7 Responses to Running Again!

  1. theblogrunner says:

    Hey, nice to see you back again. Hope the foot is doing ok. πŸ™‚

  2. Ice_Badger says:

    I hope it is ok πŸ™‚
    Have you tried compression socks? I get arch pain and heel pain simillar to plantar fasciitis when my calves are really tight, and the compression really helps my calves and therefore my feet.

    • Oh really?!? I have a couple pairs around here somewhere from when I had preeclampsia…I knew they were good for swelling, but I had no idea they might help for this! Besides, they’re so stylish… :). Definitely worth a try.

      • Ice_Badger says:

        I found some cheap running ones on amazon and thought they might be worth a try…on saturday I did 3.5 miles of dancing / running and on sunday morning my calves were fit to explode and i had heel and instep pain such that I could hardly stand…I wore my compression socks all day and no more pain πŸ˜€ I was surprised at how well they worked!! it cant hurt!

      • So you got ones to wear while you run that are different from the kind prescribed and you use both – or did I misunderstand? I’m feeling excited to slip into those granny socks after my shower…perhaps that makes me officially old? πŸ™‚

      • Ice_Badger says:

        I think they are the same thing, just the running ones are in better colours πŸ™‚

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